Monday, April 30, 2007
today is like damn boring de lorhs,is like the most boringest day of my life.......the lesson so damn sian....then i also not in the mood to,for some reason I like damn sad like that.....keep getting flashback from the past,from primary school to be exact.....keep thinking of the ppl,keep thinking of the things I did,the wrong things,the gd things...keep thinking of wat I said or wat friends said....then today reccess time see kaiyang they all play v.ball,the seniors also come play....I no mood to play,so sit down watch.....then after that we go back the classroom block,then suddenly i wan at the parade square that side.....then chengkiat wan spike me,then fail,then I spike back then I hit the metal thingie,then prefect see,then shout"EH,DUN PLAY AH"....then I quickly zao for home econs....then wait so long for MS CHIA lar,then we watch video,then do mid year revision ourself...then Ms Chia let us anyhow sit with whoever we wan...then she say the next time,as in next term,we can choose whoever we wan sit with for the kitchen arragement....then go back class.....then damn sian for english,do grammar thingie....then i walk back that time the five musketeers notice i sad sad de face....haiz,at least they bother to concern,then qijun say my face like sian sian like that...where got???then bio that time,chengkiat and kaiyang always kanna,muz stand,outside class....then i damn irritated by bojiyan and linwei.....then i keep staring at that girl,that chio girl....haiz,stare also no use,she will not like me that way de....anyway,now I really decided liao,I REALLY wan study hard for the subjects I weak in,which is almost all of them....I wan score for myself,then can continue in express stream next year....ever since miss lee tell 01 about the streaming thingie,she make it sound so hard,actually she dunneed say one,it is hard in the first place....then some more the toatl score is like 900....I dun think I can do well lorhs....I like alot subject near the failing marks damn pissed off,that lyssetta lah,she keep saying that 04 has more maths top scorers,which is obviously not true...she dun believe then she go ask teacher lah...LYSSETTA,if u r reading this,no offence,kk??but it's true lorhs....haiz,xan't believe it lorhs,can do a post of this length when I dun even have the mood....anyways,those who bother to read this post and is a student,GD LUCK IN MID YEAR EXAMINATIONS....
Saturday, April 28, 2007
THURSDAY:got exam,but now I already forgot most of it liao.....not hardlah,but is also not easy....after that go with THE FIVE MUSKETEERS - off KaiYang to hawker centre eat....then we eat the chicken rice...then most of them cannot finish becoz they eat until so long,then too used to it liao....then after that we go back school,then go 101 see the girls,at least 10 of them,they got the maths remedial thingie...then we listen music,listen funny sound clips,damn funny lah...then afterwards go Macs,with the gang from 01 that always go macs,dun say gang lah,maybe group of ppl can....then we slack dere for dunno how long,then samuel and qijun watching soccer.....Chelsea VS Liverpool,chelsea 1 liverpool nil....we go there that time see Crystal,Shanice,ChiWen and one more girl,who I short term memory.....then afterwards,I move to chengkiat and the girls that side,they having the shooting ice war,then I also go play.....then me and chengkiat shoot vivekha's 2 eyes....then like that lar,then walk back to 32 bus-stop...then me and chengkiat going tiong....then we take 195,then chengkiat pangseh me lah,F*** lah....then I go tiong,then take bus home....
today normal school day......but got alot of talking crap at assembly...then me qijun and zhengheng keep imitating the teacher,MrEng say the things,but we say in chouyang accent.....LOLS........then after that we stay back for history remedial.....cannot eat lunch I skipped lunch lor....then after history go the hawker buy paopaocha....I think i addicted to it liao...then crystal call me buy for her,wait long lar...she also not my GF,the person buying for her should be marc lah....then me yongsheng deming and marc walk back to the clementi town opposite the wonder marc dun wan go the Queenstown CC bus-stop,becoz Crystal going the clementi one...then we pang seh him,walk fast fast......then end up marc take same bus as Crystal.....LOLS....BTW,found out a few days ago that 101 has the most Mathstop scorers in sec 1,which includes me,I rock man,104 ppl,I thought is best in studies class,then also never more top scorers than us...I'mso happy,but I wan noe the positions....
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
today,the life-science ppl as usual went to lab....then Marc absent from school,at first i thought he pangseh me,then I muz do the science experiment thingie myself,then turn out we watch videos......wah,is sick and dishusting de lorhs.....walao,Miss Tan show us videos of rats being dissected(whole body),cow also(eyes,damn sick)and also got the pig heart,walao,then me and grace wanna vomit lah,walao,very buay tahan de lerh,muz see the pupils of the cow being opened.....then also see the heart of pig kenna cut into half.....then the rat the organ cut liao,then muz use one stick to hold it there,is sick de lorhs.....then after that go back class,Miss Lee wan us to arrange our tables and chairs in exam format.....thyen arrange,YAYS,I sitting at the back,which I obviously love...then after reccess art,muz draw wat kanasai comic....then I only manage to finish drawing 5/6 boxes......then next week muz do the remaining one,then still muz colour everything......then after 2 boring periods of drawing,then is Lit...then get back test,then I only get 6/20,woootsssss,fail three times Lit liao,hat-trick liao....LOLS....I hate Mrs Goh lah,she mark,is like all three times test she mark,then more than half of class fail......then is chinese,me and Zheng Heng change place with WILL & JiaHao....JiaHao is kind de lorhs,willing to change with me.....then only crap during chinese with Zheng Heng and YongSheng,and also peeps at that PARTICULAR unfair de lorh,can only see,cannot touch.......LOLS,then after school go buy paopao cha with Yong Sheng,then he buy blackcarrunt,haiz,dunno how to spell lah,then I buy chocolate,then the blackcurrant that Yong Sheng buy is like so damn sour,$1 wasted liaos...but he pour the drink,only left the black pearl........then buse home with him,then I eat lunch,meaning the bowl of rice and the delicious fish dish that my mummy cook....thats it for today,muz study liaos.........
Monday, April 23, 2007
today home econ damn fun,Zheng Heng was like keep saying"GUGU JIAO",damn cute lah,then me shaokai and grace were like laughing all the way......then in the kitchen,Zheng Heng and YongSheng and Marc kenna scolded by Miss Chia for keep talking and laughing.......then today english go help miss lee carry files....then today the bio I never bring book,also never kenna,heng lar,if not muz stand at back of class....Zheng Heng is so damn cute der lorh.....LOLS
Sunday, April 22, 2007
go collect newspaper after school....we go the QiJun house there that block,the blocks behind kopitiam and the first go bungalow that time is only walk with Samuel as a big group,then Shanice and Crystal they all finish their CIP thing,then join us,then too many ppl,then muz split into 3 groups.....then split lor,I with KaiYang and Yong Sheng they all,then after that,we had a little bit of arguement....becoz KaiYang abit bossy,then me and Yong Sheng decided to join theShanice group,then the rest of our original group go join the Samuel group.....then me and yongsheng walk walk walk,then walk past the road to mac,then we thoughtthat they for sure not there,then we continued walking straihgt for a very long time,then we were like lost...becoz we walk until the end of all the can that be,then we were both thirsty and tired,then we walk to the main road,then we were like OMG,we are at HOLLAND ROAD,somewhere near the highway,if we were to walk back,it would take at least another 30 minutes.then we saw a bus stop,then yongsheng wanna continue walking,then we reach the next bus stop...then yong sheng buay tahan liao,becoz got one 123 bus come,then we really tired liao,then we bused back to Queensway.then we walk back,then we thought that the others surely collect finish liao,then go back school pang seh us,then go back on their own,then we go back school,then saw something that make us OMG again,their bags still there,that means we were lost,but we still faster than can that be....then not long they come back then got abit arguement between Samuel and Shanice's group....they go MAC slack then samuel not happy....then end of wednesday...
got the collect newspaper thingie again.......we split again into two group got me,Cheng Kiat,QiJun,Samuel,he come late becoz of piano thingie....,got Grace,got Liyana,got Crystal,ohyar,still got Zheng Heng.....thats all that i can remember....than,me and chengkiat keep playing on the trolley thingie,push here push there,then we push acroos the road lah,look so stupid,then we started from block 28,opposite the Queenstown CC the blocks.....then we collect finish 1 and a 1/2 blocks,then trolley too much newspaper,then Cheng Kiat say muz go back school unload,then he pang seh us lah,he say only he,Zheng Heng,QiJun and Grace can go on the taxi....then the back of the taxi was damn full.....then only me crystal and liyana collecting the rest,then I buay tahan liao,wan go mama shop buy drinks,then the girls wan me treat them,then treat cheap de lorhs,1 bottle of coke is only $ spent 3 dollars on drinks....then we collect finish 1 whole block of newspaper,then they all unload haven come back,then crystal call them,then they say they juz reach school,they take 1/2 an hour to reach the school,sound so ironic rite,then we slack downstairs wait for them to come back.........turns out that they dun have classroom key,with Shanice,then muz ask teachers....then take a long time.....then they come back,with Samuel this time,then we tok there...then we see Zheng Heng and Qijun on the other side of the bridge sittin there and slacking,then we were like shouting at them like siao,call them come back....then we decide to go find Shanice the group...then we carry the heavy and note,I said HEAVY,newspapers up the long & fucking stairs,then slack there awhile then they take the newspapers from the void decks,then near them got the watever workers,then they pushing the rubbish thingie,then me and Zheng Heng saw got damn lotz of newspapers then Zheng Heng say "WAH,all that one ours ha,we win liao lar..."then shanice tell him dun be siao,then he reply"not ours har,we sure lose liao lar"so damn funny lar,but they got 2 BIG trolleys full of newspapers u noe....wasted,should give us wat...then after that we tie all the newspapers,then we each carry 1 or 2 bundles each,according to gender,boys carry 2,girls carry 1.....then we take shortcut walk back school,we walk the grass part,then they walk the long parts....then samuel at the top of the bridge throw his bundle of newspapers down...then after that we put newspapers outside class,then me and shaokai go buy paopao cha.......then bused home...
after school we tie all the newspapers...then me zheng heng and qijun,nuthing better to do,wanna make WILL LAUGH...he laugh like a witch,juz like Adrian's KUANG XIAO....helaugh,then everybody wanna laugh at his laughter....then after tieingnewspapers,we go Mac eat,then come back,then dunno where the hell miss leow go,then we go play soccer...then got some sec 2 bangalars wanna play,then marc allow,then we dun wan play,then me and Zheng heng pang seh the rest of the boys,then Zheng Heng wanna go back FLIRT with u noe who......then cheng kiat also come back,then miss leow come,then we measure,then turn out only got 527,we suck....compared to sec 2,got 2k+kg.....but we are the best among sec 1 classes lor,champion class like that one lar...then after that go home.....
Sat:go market with mummy,go buy chicken rice,then I saw JIARONG,my volleyball senior,OMG,he lives near ABC market....??BTW,I have an announcement to make,I hate ELISABETH....the more I look at that f***ing girl,the more I wanna puke,yet,the more i look at the girl that caught my eyes,the more I like her...the more I dun see her,the more I think of her....yet,I'm doing all this without her noeing.....haiz
Monday, April 16, 2007
I dunno why,but I feel very happy these few days,coz,101 rox......diaozzz......but 01 really rox....LOLS,got all the FUN PEACE JOY AND LAUGHTER.....then everyday Samuel shout here shout dere de,so fun......then everyday joke around,everyday SAMULA here SAMULA there,then can slack during the lesson der,coz we all not listening,toking all the way,today got cooking practical,I cook fried rice,I did better than I expected....LOLS......then Marc go and make yoghurt,then i eat damn lotz de lor....then afterwards teacher see,then give marks and blah blah,then pack the food,then my container opened a bloody hole....then the food can drop out,lucky I got plastic container,then after school,me marc and Yong Sheng go the kopitiam,go buy pao pao cha.then after that ,we found one coconut,then from near the kopitiam there kick until the Queenstown CC the bustop,then take and throw into constructionsite....then today browsing through my com pictures...then see this ones,then bring back some memories...:

this one is last time the head prefect voting,then after that we go lab,then MRS JOHAN want take class photo........YM,u still the head prefect and my old u noe is like,we all ge zou ge de liao lor......all the whatever JS4,Hiong brothers and soul sisters all like no longer together liaos, the same as dead,but go different school doesn't mean disband rite....LOLS......ISAAC rox...will forever be an Isaac and an INSPIRING STAR.......
Saturday, April 14, 2007
You appeared in my life at that instant,
together we shared many wonderful moments.
I thought our love was like a perfect piece of art,
one that can never be torn apart.
But now that the die has already been cast,
everything that came was way too fast.
The love that was once ours flew away like a bird,
right after we said our final words.
I know right from the beginning that I'm the one who suck,
And now I know,this is a whole new start.
Monday, April 09, 2007
today go school I chiong my home econ. studying,why I so forgetful,leave my book at school,then never study,today got test leh.....lucky is after reccess,reccess go library study,then YongSheng and shao Kai keep disturbing me,then never get to study much....haizzz,lucky the test is easy de also get our class stupid de lors,Grace one her 11 at the back print upside down......LOLS......then today Mr Lai let us do last year sec one test,open book one....then after school I go stall 1 do CIP,quite nice lah,can play.....then WeiSheng come tok with us,as in me and Super Mario,KaiYang.then I notice that Carine'sbasketball improve alot,from those type thatwhen get ball then straightaway pass one to those that dribble and try to score one......LOLS.....then me WeiSheng & KaiYang go hall watch the concert rehearsal.....then go watch the speech day marching rehearsal....Samuel is funny de lorhs....then after watching 2 rounds,went home.....then I read the comic that I borrowed from NLB,then bu zhi bu jue fell asleep,then 7.30 like that wake tiring de lorhs....haiz,I won't be able to use com that often liao...haizzz...BYEBYE
Sunday, April 08, 2007
yesterday go training,we train the stop ball,spike and the setting :( . then after the girls go,then train outdoors,we formed groups of 3s with 1 sec one and 2 B boys......then I was with Jay and whats that guy's name???then each time got 2 groups in the court.....then muz score lah,loser,go out then do 5 pumpings...then yesterday I play PS2 non-stop......haiz....then today play com,addicted to xiao gui & Genie Zuo's new song "爱的主旋律".....Genie's voice is cute de lorhs.......wa,then play pokemon crater for fun.........then today eat cup noodles for lunch...then is like nuthing to do de Samurai Deeper Kyo.....then afterwards I tok on MSN with dunno who and dunno who for dunno how long on dunno wat time in dunno whose and whose home is sianzzzzzzz de lorhs........BTW,found this awesome pics of VINCENT VALENTINE on the Net:

Vincent running up the stairs
Vincent srriking a pose
Friday, April 06, 2007
finally,the swimming lessons are over....................we swim swim swim,then tiem flies liao,then change liao come out,then priscilla for dunno wat reason wan me to open my wallet..........then I found out why of coz...she and YM put a note in it,wan me see........YM wan break up with me,haiz,to think up till now she is still the one making the 1st move......but u noe,I at 1st also wan break one,but I dun wan hurt her heart anymore.....fine, 6 of APRIL will be the day that I accept her break up request,which means from this day onwards,me and her are only normal which is Good Friday,me adrian and hanyi and adrian bro also,we went tiong watch Mr Bean's Holiday........saw QiJun there......the movie is bombastic de lor.....haha.....then after that go arcade,hanyi and adrian saw his frenz.....I saw my volleyball seniors who were,Boon Peng,JiaLong and Michelle......oh yar,Darren also.......stay at arcade for dunno how long,then go KFC..then after that we walk to Great World City together.....go there play arcade........then got the basketball game,that one muz take the ball throw,the place is like can play forever becoz not locked,then we were like throwing BALLS for dunno how long,then afterwards play with HanYi Time Crisis 4.......I die first:(....LOL.....then afterwards go that side the Mac eat....then take bus 16 go back tiong..........then when we were reaching tiong,we keep pressing the bell non-stop,then the uncle buey song liao,then Say very loudly "Eh,u all dun keep pressing the bell har"damn funny lah,we purposely go and geh siao the uncle.....then afterwards go home....
Monday, April 02, 2007
I ask u all a Question.......A monk is walking towards North and there is a wind blowing from North to South,where will the monk's hair fly??
Now,for an April Fool's joke,which is originated from Samuel the Great....
there is a man who loves green so much that he paints everything in his house green..including himself,himself as in his day,he was bathing,he bathe halfway the doorbell rang,he he came out of his bathtub,wrapped himself with a cloth,and answered the door......there was a saleswoman at his door,then ask him whether wanna buy something,so he went to take his money in his room.....suddenly,there was a strong wind......the man's towel dropped,then the woman saw "IT".then she cannot take it liao,then walk away,but when she was crossing the road,a car crashed into u noe why ppl say "DUN CROSS THE ROAD WHEN THE GREEN MAN IS FLASHING"
today go school chiong my home econ hw......again never do hw,I so bad, MRS LEE never come,I so happy......miss 2 periods of Maths,but still got class work to do,all chicken feet home econ so sian one,only listen teacher tok about all the nutrients week cooking practicall very unlucky,Mr Lai told us his other passed away,then tues-thursday not coming to school....jia yuan realtive also passed away...haizz...